The author
I was only fourteen when I joined the Photographic Association of Medinense Amateurs (AFAM), but my love for photography came years earlier due to family influences, I have always had a mixture of luck and curiosity to have a camera nearby. When I started training in this field, my passion for this artistic branch multiplied. Every time I took a camera in my hands I had the feeling that a new world full of images was showing before me capable of describing numerous sensations through color, shapes, movement and the point of view with which you captured it.
Little by little I realized that I wanted to cross borders and get to know other countries thoroughly through photography, and so I did in depth in Portugal, but also through the camera my career grew professionally in France, in Morocco, Western Sahara and Armenia. In this way, not only did I discover a multitude of corners and each of their stories, as well as the beauty of them, but I understood many areas of the image due to a commitment to continuous learning, that is totally linked to the curiosity I feel for everything around me.
Collective and individual projects
Due to the above, there are numerous collective projects in which I have participated, among which are those that I have carried out with the already named Photographic Association of Medinense Amateurs. Also, there have been six projects that I have created on an individual level, all based on travel photography. As a young project the totality of the works of “Dicotomias” is already part of the prestigious Collection of Contemporary Art of the Junta de Castilla y León with responsibility of the Siglo Foundation and deposited permanently in the MUSAC (Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y Leon). The two previous projects have been on tour with the Castilla y León à la carte programme, having the opportunity to exhibit in more than fifty exhibition spaces. Likewise, regarding the work “Ancha es Castilla”, I had the opportunity to turn it into my first book. In addition, his panoramas have inspired prestigious poets to create some of his verses, organizing from them numerous events and evenings.
Other areas of work
However, the previous ones aren’t the only spaces I’ve worked on. Since the world of photography extends to many areas, I have also wanted to develop my profession in some of them, as in social. Within the latter, my favorite sector is that of wedding photography through my personal brand Spontánea. I have been working in this field since 2003. The responsibility to speak through the image of such a special day of a couple has always liked me. It does not cease to be a way of creating memories, not only for the couple, but for all those who accompany them in this day characterized by illusion, joy and trust that accompany true love. In addition, future generations of the family will also want to live a day that they could not be part of through their eyes.
Corporate and commercial photography
Nor can I forget that another area of photography that has always accompanied me has been corporate and editorial work. Your best technical qualities can be seen when you have to create custom images. In this way, I have been part of projects carried out for companies as important as Danone, Caixa Bank, Carazos or Gooble Garden. I have also worked at the editorial level for Europa Press or the Planet Group. Each client is a different world from the one you have to start over, knowing in depth how they work and the objectives they have marked in their journey. Therefore, every task I perform is personalized from start to finish.
Photography courses and photo book
On the other hand, the fact that I have been involved in the photographic world since childhood has caused me to be able to speak about it in a clear way, through everyday language. Thus, I began to teach photography courses in 2012, specifically in Portugal. What in principle could be a secondary activity, gradually became one of my bases of work, because I discovered that if with a barrier, as was the language in a country that was not mine, I could transmit passion for this subject, in my country, with my native language, everything would be easier. And so I was able to test this theory when I returned to Spain and I had the opportunity to create my own agenda with which to bring my photographic knowledge to people who had barely had contact with a camera, being able to put them into practice afterwards, thus developing a technique proper to a person who has a good base.
Currently, on a regular basis, I offer photography courses at different levels in different locations. These include Salamanca, Burgos, Valladolid, Segovia, Medina del Campo and Arévalo. However, my aspirations also invited me to travel to Armenia to offer photographic workshops there.
All this work had an important result, which was the creation of a pocket notebook with the most outstanding explanations when capturing a good image in different scenarios, taking into account concepts such as light or speed. I wanted to be in a representative way in the pocket of each student, solving any doubts he might have in each of their outings.All this work had an important result, which was the creation of a pocket notebook with the most outstanding explanations when capturing a good image in different scenarios, taking into account concepts such as light or speed. He wanted to be in a representative way in the pocket of each student, solving any doubts he might have in each of his outings. This work was developed through a crowdfunding campaign on the Verkami platform, which far exceeded expectations. More than 150 sponsors were involved in this project and numerous national media outlets were interested in my work, including Radio Nacional de España. In this way, Carles Mesa interviewed me in his program “Gente Despierta”. However, I can say that the first Photobook already boasts of a second edition.
The idea of making Photographic Notebooks to teach photographs is materializing in a new project of upcoming presentation, in which a series of photographic guidelines are developed and put into practice to make the Camino de Santiago French camera in hand.
Film industry
On the other hand, the world of cinema was conquering me little by little, being the still photo of several renowned works with extensive travel in prestigious festivals of Amania Films as “La Colcha de y la madre” with Susana Abaitua and Nieve de Medina, “Au Pair” with Sarah Perles and Luis Callejo, both shorts by laureate David Pérez Sañudo, as well as “Oculto” by Imanol Ortiz, short film that was present in the 2021 edition of the Los Angeles Film Festival, Con “Esto es un Sindiós”, I opened as a director in a work in which the influence of José Luis Cuerda is breathed and in which humour and social protest are protagonists, project was a finalist of the Rueda Short Film Festival. Within this area, I have also worked as a camera in the documentary “Mission: Sahara” by Goya candidate Arturo Dueñas, which has been part of the programming of film festivals such as FiSáhara (Algeria), Seminci (Valladolid) or Muces (Segovia).
Considering my professional career, I can only define myself as passionate about the image that has managed to make photography its livelihood. There is nothing like dedicating oneself to what one feels authentic passion for, constantly passing it on to the public.
- Director Esto es un Sindios, sección oficial Festival de Cine de Medina del C.
- Cartel Un coche cualquiera, cortometraje finalista Goya 2021
- Cuarto premio Semana Santa de la Fundación Siglo
- Foto fija el el Roel Maratón del Festival de Cine de Medina del Campo
- Director en Esto es un Sindios, cortometraje final del Festival Rueda con Rueda
- Accésit en I Premio Eurostars Hotels de Fotografía de Segovia
- Accésit en I Premio Eurostars Hotels de Fotografía de Lisboa, Portugal
- Primer premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Segunda fase concurso “HIPA” en categoria Life In Colour en Dubái, EEAA
- Primer premio “fotografía deportiva” de Epson, España
- Primer premio “juegos populares” de Conserjería de Cultura de CyL y ONCE
- Mención de honor en el concurso semanal “Duo” de Phoozl, Estados Unidos
- Mención de honor en el concurso semanal “new begginins” de Phoozl, EEUU
- Finalista en “I Concurso de fotografía arquitectura” de Revista Sección, España
- Finalista en Concurso Fotográfico “Animal Kingdom” de Tate Oil, Reino Unido
- Tercer premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Primer premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Tercer premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Finalista en el Concurso Fotográfico de la revista GEO, España
- Tercer premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Premio cartel del “XV aniversario J. S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Primer premio en “Concurso carteles S. Antolín” Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Premio conjunto en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Premio conjunto en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Segundo premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Finalista en tercer “Rally Villa de Medina” del Norte de Castilla, Valladolid
- Primer premio en “Concurso Foto S. Santa” de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Segundo Premio en modalidad “Historia” del Alfonso VI de Olmedo, Valladolid
- Finalista en el segundo “Rally Villa de Medina” del Norte de Castilla, Valladolid
- Finalista en el segundo “Rally Fotográfico Palencia” del Norte de Castilla
- Finalista en el primer “Rally Villa de Medina” del Norte de Castilla, Valladolid
- Accésit en Concurso Fotográfico “cambio de milenio” de Image Center, España
- Premio votación popular del concurso “Medina en el 99” de AFAM, Valladolid
- Dicotomías. Espacio Joven. Valladolid
- Dicotomías. Club 567 Madrid
- Colectiva. Digital Storytelling. Dilijan, Armenia
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Villanueva de Duero, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Museo de Historia de Arévalo, Ávila
- Ancha es Castilla. Biblioteca Pública de Burgos
- Revelación Urbana. Servicio Territorial de Cultura de Soria
- Ancha es Castilla. Centro de idiomas de la Universidad de León
- Ancha es Castilla. Museo de Palencia
- Revelación Urbana. Biblioteca Pública de León
- Ancha es Castilla. Palacio del Licenciado Butrón de Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Nava del Rey, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Centro de Idiomas de León
- Revelación Urbana. Centro Cultural de Melgar de Fernamental, Burgos
- Revelación Urbana. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de León
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Navaluenga, Ávila
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de El Hoyo de Pinares, Ávila
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Gotarrendura, Ávila
- Revelación Urbana. Museo de Historia de Arévalo, Ávila
- Ancha es Castilla. Palacio Condes de Benavente de Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Convento de San Francisco de Sahagún, León
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Valencia de Don Juan, León
- Colectiva. Jóvenes artistas. Reales Carnicerías de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Monasterio de Oña, Burgos
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Alba de Tormes, Salamanca
- Ancha es Castilla. Biblioteca de Guijuelo, Salamanca
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Monrelas, Salamanca
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Pedrajas de San Esteban, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Cabrerizos, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Ermita de Aleadávila de la Ribera, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Museo de Macotera, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Cabrerizos, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Monrelas, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Guijuelo, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Biblioteca de Villamayor, Salamanca
- Ancha es Castilla. Oficina de Turismo de Medina de Rioseco, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Biblioteca de San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria
- Ancha es Castilla. Biblioteca de Benavente, Zamora
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal. Tordesillas, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Cigales, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Morales del Vino, Zamora
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de El Espinar, Segovia
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Cantimpalos, Segovia
- Ancha es Castilla. Sala Municipal de Carbonero, Segovia
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Covaleda, Soria
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Cantalejo, Segovia
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Almazán, Soria
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Duruelo de la Sierra, Soria
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia
- Revelación Urbana. Palacio Condes de Benavente de Valladolid
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Municipal de Cigales, Valladolid
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Municipal de El Espinar, Segovia
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Municipal de Cantimpalos, Segovia
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Municipal de Carbonero, Segovia
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Pedrajas de San Esteban, Valladolid
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Covaleda, Soria
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Cantalejo, Segovia
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Almazán, Soria
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Duruelo de la Sierra, Soria
- Revelación Urbana. Casa de Cultura de Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia
- Ancha es Castilla. Teatro Zorrilla de Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Casa de Cultura de Aldeamayor de San Martín, Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. GaLEERia de Valladolid
- Colectiva. Arte Solidario. Palacio Pimentel de Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Campo Grande de Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Bar Buhardilla de Valladolid
- Ancha es Castilla. Arte Aranda en Aranda de Duero, Burgos
- Colectiva. Arte Solidario. Centro e-Lea de Urueña, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Semana Santa. Sala AFA en Antequera, Málaga
- Colectiva. AFAM Semana Santa. Centro Cultural Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. Focale. Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Caja Duero de Béjar, Salamanca
- Revelación Urbana. Espacio Joven de Valladolid
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Caja Duero de Zamora
- Revelación Urbana. Sala Caja Duero de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM. Sala Caja Duero de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM. Bar Pichi de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. Portraits. Vega del Prado de Valladolid
- Colectiva. Portraits. Sala Impacto de Valladolid
- Colectiva. Rompenubes. Centro Cívico Delicias de Valladolid
- La otra Pucela. Sala Impacto de Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Semana Santa. Centro Cultural Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Espacios Naturales. Caja Duero Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Espectro invisible. Sala Impacto de Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Espacios Naturales. Caja Duero Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Enfocando al infinito. Sala Impacto de Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Espacios Naturales. Caja Duero Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. Arte Solidario. Sala Caja Duero de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Enfocando al infinito. Tharilo Bar de Valladolid
- Enfocando al infinito. Restaurante don Bacalao de Valladolid
- Enfocando al infinito. Panic Bar de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM aniversario. Sala Caja Duero de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Semana Santa. Sala Caja Duero Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Tradiciones. Sala Caja Duero de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Camino Santiago. Caja Duero Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Camino Santiago. Centro Cultural Fresno el Viejo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Tradiciones. Sala Caja Duero de Medina del Campo, Valladolid
- Colectiva. AFAM Camino Santiago. Iglesia Medina del Campo, Valladolid